Martin, S., Gourwitz, J., & Hall, K. (2016) Mentoring urban school leaders: A model. Journal of School Leadership, 26(2), 314-333.
Martin, S., Little, J., Miller, K., & Gourwitz, J. (2014). Preparing urban special education leaders: What works. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 27(1), 26-35.
Martin, S. & Miller, K. (2014). Effective preparation for urban special education school leaders: A shared vision. Proceedings from International Special Education Conference, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Martin, S., & Slanda, D. D. (2018, July). Developing and sustaining inclusive urban school leaders. Presented at U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Project Director’s Conference, Arlington, VA.
Gourwitz, J., Slanda, D. D., & Martin, S. M. (2017, November). Benefits of a collaborative mentoring model for doctoral scholars. Presented at Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division Conference, Savannah, GA.
Slanda, D. D., Martin, S. M., & Gourwitz, J. (2017, November). Preparing Diverse and Culturally Responsive School Administrators. Presented at Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division Conference Diversity Caucus Showcase, Savannah, GA.
Gourwitz, J., Martin, S., Slanda, D. D., & Miller, K. (2017, April). Mentoring: A collaborative model for doctoral scholars. Presented to Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Boston, MA.
Slanda, D. D., Gourwitz, J., & Martin, S. M. (2017, November). Creating a cadre of culturally responsive leaders one doctoral scholar at a time. Presented at Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division Conference, Savannah, GA.
Martin, S., Gourwitz, J., & Slanda, D. D. (2016, November). National Urban Special Education Leadership Initiative: Bringing diversity to leadership. Presented at Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division Conference, Lexington, KY.
Martin, S., Conway, S., Gourwitz, J., & Slanda, D. D. (2016, August). Mentorship. Presented at Office for Special Education Programs, Project Director’s Conference, Washington, DC.
Martin, S., Gourwitz, J., & Slanda, D. D. (2016, April). National Special Education Leadership Initiative: Preparing a culture of leaders. Council for Exceptional Children Conference, St Louis, MO.
Martin, S. (2013 July). Data rich and information rich: Collaborative program evaluation. Presented at the Project Director’s Meeting, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Washington, D.C.
Martin, S. (2013, September). Effective preparation for urban special education school leaders: A shared vision. Presented at The Seventh International Scientific Conference: Special Education and Rehabilitation Today, Belgrade, Serbia.
Martin, S., Gourwitz, J & Lopez, A. (2013, April). Preparing special education leaders: One story of a successful program of collaborative partnerships. Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual International Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Martin, S., Gourwitz, J. & Lopez, A. (2013, March). Lessons learned from a large urban project that can be applied to urban settings. Presented at the American Council for Rural Special Educators Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Martin, S., & Gourwitz, J. (2012, November). National Urban Special Education Leadership Initiative: Recruitment, retention and graduation. Presented at the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Grand Rapids, MI.
Martin, S., & Gourwitz, J. (2012, October). Recruiting, retaining and graduating doctoral students: A model. Presented at the Florida Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Jupiter Beach, FL.
Martin, S., & McKinney, T. (2012, July). Preparing special education administrators through school/university partnerships. Presented at the Project Directors’ Meeting, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Washington, D.C.
Martin, S., Lue-Stewart, M., & Gourwitz, J. (2012, July). Recruiting, preparing and retaining urban special education school leaders. Presented at the Project Directors’ Meeting, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Washington, D.C.
Martin, S., McIntire, J., McKinney, T., & Gourwitz, J. (2012, April). Preparing urban special education leaders: One story. Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Denver, Colorado.
Martin, S. & Little, J. (2010). Preparing urban education leaders to serve all children in changing times. Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Nashville, TN.
Martin, S., & McKinney, T. (2009, April). National Urban Special Education Leadership Initiative: Current issues in urban leadership. Presented at the Teacher Education Division of the of the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC.
Martin, S. (2009, October). National Urban Special Education Leadership Initiative: Current issues in urban leadership: Innovation and partnership in urban special education. Presented at the Florida Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Daytona Beach, FL.
Martin, S. (2008, July). National Urban Special Education Leadership Initiative: An innovative project in urban leadership. Presented at the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs Project Directors’ Conference, Washington, DC.
Martin, S. (2007, October). Urban Special Education Leadership: A personnel preparation project. Presented at the Florida Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Martin, S. (2007). National Urban Special Education Leadership Initiative: A collaborative model. Presented at The Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention and Expo.
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