A unique feature of the NUSELI project is the involvement of a National Faculty Academy (NFA) comprised of distinguished experts leading research and engagement in the field. The NFA provides the most current and relevant information to our scholars in a series of seminars. The NFA aims to advance the knowledge and skills of our scholars through research designed to improve educational practices. Our NFA have conducted seminars focused on topics including: Universal Design for Learning, Urban Education, Parent Involvement, Policy and Leadership, and Culturally Responsive Practices.

Dr. James Carter Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Johni Cruse Craig Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Harold “Bill” Heller Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Maya Israel Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Barbara Jenkins Open Bio Pop-up

Mr. Doug Little Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Joyce Little Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Connie Lyttle Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Katie M. Miller Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Steve Milliken Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Cynthia Mruczek Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Johnathan Mundorf Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Pedro Noguera Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Andrew Rikli Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Joni Samples Open Bio Pop-up

Dr. Deborah Ziegler Open Bio Pop-up
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